One of the things about being very much involved in your church/fellowship is that it sucks so much time and energy out of you that you don't have time to really develop maintain relationships/friendships with people outside of it. It's all for His glory and His kingdom. But I can't help but think that there should be room for ministry in terms of both serving brothers & sisters in Christ, and also, evangelizing and being a good witness to non-believers who are both friends and God's children (perhaps lost, but they are still God's children). It just would be nice to have time and energy to really also be active in my non-believer friends' lives and in my non-Lumps bro's and sisters' lives. But alas, I just don't have that much time. I shouldn't complain. In general, I've been pretty blessed as people
choose to maintain their friendships with me when I am busy. This past Friday, MR gave me a call to see if I wanted to head to Yosemite with him... and also to have dinner with him and his girlfriend sometime even though I know they both struggle in their relationship. TL calls to have lunch frequently (and at some point, I promised to play golf with her and her husband, who by the way, is a great guy and a bro-in-Christ). MJ and CL both send frequent emails from LA to let me know how things are going in their lives. KL calls to pray over things that trouble his heart and to pray for me personally. RH and JT call me on Saturdays to play ball even though they know I can't really play particularly well with one good leg (although i'm getting better each day!)... AL calls to take long walks around Lake Merced now and then... you're probably wondering, jeez... why are you complaining? Guess, cuz I'm human and I want more friendship than I can actually have....