Friday, June 14, 2002

It's Friday!!! Had dim sum today with co-workers at Pearl City Restaurant in cheap! 6 bucks per person and we ordered a ton of dim sum. I love har gow!

So yesterday, at Lumps, we discussed about rebuking; particularly rebuking with the motivation of love. It's much easier for brothers to rebuke brothers and sisters rebuking sisters; but what if you don't know any of the sisters who are familiar with another sister because you don't attend the same fellowship or church as that particular sister? Then what? I guess you have to do it yourself. But how do you rebuke a sister especially for their relationship (dating a non-believer) without coming across negatively. So difficult....

Monday, June 10, 2002


This week can't go by fast enough. This past weekend was just so gorgeous... I wish I was unemployed so that I could go out an enjoy the day. I just want to play baseball!