Wednesday, July 17, 2002

So my Mom, my Aunt, and I met tonight to discuss the 706 and my family's finances. My aunt is a CMA who passed the CPA exam. She never got her CPA hours so she's not licensed but her knowledge and experience in the affairs of personal accounting and estate accounting far surpasses my own. The meeting was long...3 hours and we discussed many of the complex issues that are going on and my aunt finally made my Mom realize how tough this is going to be. So yes, my Mom now understands why I have to stay up way into the night trying to work on this. At the same time, my Mom is frustrated because she wants to put all of this behind her as fast as she can. I can't blame her for that because we all want to put my Dad's passing behind us as fast as we can. The problem is, the federal laws and internal revenue code doesn't let you do things simply and easily unless you want to pay the fines/penalties. I've worked hard on this thing....and the end still isn't near. On top of that my LSAT is fast approaching... must start studying for that. So yeah, I'm definitely stretched.


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